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We look into the web to identify and aggregate the top web design trends you will notice in 2020. The top 6 web design trends 2020 are dark mode, boldness in typography, ultra-minimalist, white spaces and customized graphics.
WPP announces that it has acquired XumaK through Wunderman Thompson. XumaK is a marketing technology consultancy firm and leading provider of Adobe Experience Manager.
All videos and no texts? Which is the most effective distribution channel? Read about these top content strategy trends you must follow in 2020. Summary of trends: more videos, more visuals, more insightful texts, a right balance among distribution channels, market your content through messaging apps, start using Schema and UX writing.
UX is definitely emerging in Asia as companies adopt user-centric design to build positive user experience and boost competitiveness. Asian cities like Beijing, Tokyo, and Singapore organize major UX conferences and UX events every year for the UX and design communities to get together and share insights.