Indeemo is an in-the-moment, experience research platform.
We help researchers and designers to remotely research human needs, behaviors, journeys and experiences; in context and in-the-moment.
Our mission is to empower positive impact through empathy.
By blending the best of mobile, video, private social networking and artificial intelligence technologies, Indeemo gives research, design and product teams a direct, unfiltered, contextual understanding of what really matters to their users and customers.
Our clients range in size from freelance consultants to start-ups to government departments and multinational enterprises.
Spanning every industry and sector, the teams we support use Indeemo in B2C and B2B contexts for a variety of remote, qualitative research methodologies including: diary studies, mobile / digital ethnography, service safaris, journey mapping, cultural probes, mobile usability testing, product / prototype testing, path-to-purchase, user experience, employee experience and customer experience research.