PSSUQ Calculator

Are you calculating your PSSUQ score correctly? Use this online PSSUQ calculator to calculate your Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire score now.
  1. Before you use this calculator, understand what is PSSUQ (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire).
  2. After this, go through the rationale behind its calculation here.
  3. Knowing the PSSUQ score is not enough, learn how to interpret the PSSUQ score here. 4 may not be the average.




  • 1 is “strongly agree”  and 7 is “strongly disagree”
  • The lower the scores, the better the performance and the higher the perceived satisfaction. Scores can be further broken down into:
    • Overall: the average scores of questions 1 to 16
    • System Usefulness (SYSUSE): the average scores of questions 1 to 6
    • Information Quality (INFOQUAL): the average scores of questions 7 to 12
    • Interface Quality (INTERQUAL): the average scores of questions 13 to 15
  • Learn how to interpret the PSSUQ score here.



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