- Before you use this calculator, understand what is PSSUQ (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire).
- After this, go through the rationale behind its calculation here.
- Knowing the PSSUQ score is not enough, learn how to interpret the PSSUQ score here. 4 may not be the average.
- 1 is “strongly agree” and 7 is “strongly disagree”
- The lower the scores, the better the performance and the higher the perceived satisfaction. Scores can be further broken down into:
- Overall: the average scores of questions 1 to 16
- System Usefulness (SYSUSE): the average scores of questions 1 to 6
- Information Quality (INFOQUAL): the average scores of questions 7 to 12
- Interface Quality (INTERQUAL): the average scores of questions 13 to 15
- Learn how to interpret the PSSUQ score here.