INTERACTION 20 – A New Dawn. We are working in an era with ever-evolving contexts and boundaries. The results have far-reaching impact, unexpected benefits and consequences. We will explore the meaning and evolution of interaction design by hearing from the brightest minds in design, as well as science, philosophy, psychology and even industry.
What makes Interaction Week special?
A mix of learning, connecting, discovering, trying things out. Interaction Week is not just a conference. It’s 6 days of practical inspiration for people who design. Thought-provoking talks, energizing workshops and plenty of moments to connect and discover.
About the Organizer of Interaction 20
IxDA is a worldwide member-supported organization with over 10 years of history, 173 local groups and 80,000 members. Each year the conference lives in a different city, with a different culture and a different organization team. We want to give tribute to Lyon, France and Europe.